Matthias Jagfeld
Teaching and research areas
- Structural assessment of monuments using numerical methods (FE method)
- Structural planning for the restoration of historic buildings
- , Numerical beam statics
Functions outside the university
Ingenieurbüro TFI-Jagfeld: Structural design, finite element calculation and restoration in the preservation of historical monuments
- Introduction to building construction
- Building construction II and III
- Bachelor thesis
- Electives and excursions
Short vita
- since 2018: Professorship at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- since 2012: Engineering office TFI-Jagfeld
- 2000 – 2012: Project manager at the engineering office Barthel & Maus GmbH
- 1993 – 1999: Scientific assistant at the Chair of Structural Design at the Technical University of Munich (Prof. Barthel), dissertation: “Load-bearing behavior and static calculation of vaults with large support displacements”
- 1989 – 1993: Employee at CADFEM GmbH, Grafing: Sales, customer training and support for the ANSYS program system, calculations on behalf of customers
- 1982 -1989: Studied civil engineering (University of Stuttgart and University of Karlsruhe)
Chamber of Civil Engineers (Bavaria)