Teaching Innovation and Quality Unit
Tasks of the unit
The tasks of the department are varied and contribute to the continuous development of the courses offered and to ensuring and optimizing the quality of teaching at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Teaching innovation and quality
The Department of Teaching Innovation and Quality accompanies and supports the continuous development of the courses offered at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Teaching quality management
Quality management for teaching includes the preparation and analysis of important key figures for the qualitative and quantitative development of teaching at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
In addition, the Teaching Innovation and Quality Unit supports the faculties and degree programs in the (further) development of additional quality assurance instruments of their own.
Accreditation procedure
The accreditation procedure is a multi-stage process based on the principle of peer review.
A group of external experts assesses the study program to be accredited according to specific criteria (objectives, concept, implementation and quality assurance).
The department supports the degree programs in the preparation, implementation and, if necessary, in fulfilling the requirements.
All degree programs at Coburg University of Applied Sciences are successfully accredited.
Internal and external evaluations
The department coordinates and supports internal and external surveys and evaluations on studying and teaching at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Course evaluations
Course evaluation is based on the evaluation regulations of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Continuous and targeted course evaluation is used to assess the quality of studies and teaching from the students’ perspective.
Based on the results, the assurance, optimization and further development of teaching quality is encouraged.
Bavarian graduate study
The Bavarian Graduate Survey (BAS) is a standardized online survey conducted by the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF).
Coburg University of Applied Sciences has taken part in this event every year since 2013 with all its degree programs.
Around 1,000 graduates who completed their degree three to four semesters previously, known as “alumni”, are invited.
They are asked to provide retrospective information about their studies, the skills they acquired and their entry into professional life or further courses of study.
The university uses the results to improve its course offerings, among other things.
The deans of studies inform their respective faculty in their annual teaching report about the findings and recommend measures if necessary.
The teaching reports can be viewed within the university in mycampus.
In order to inform alumni who can no longer access mycampus about the results of the most recent BAS, the Department of Teaching Innovation and Quality publishes a short report on the university website:
To the short report BAS – Survey of the examination semesters Wise 2019/20 and SoSe 2020
CHE University Ranking
Coburg University of Applied Sciences regularly participates in the CHE University Ranking.
The students of the degree programs surveyed assess the following points: Studies, teaching, facilities, research and study conditions.
The university ranking is carried out by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development.
The results are available free of charge via DIE ZEIT. To the CHE University Ranking
Teaching innovation
University teaching is subject to constant change in response to scientific, technical, economic and social changes.
The department supports the further development of degree programs and other teaching offerings, e.g. through exchange and coaching formats, workshops, topic consultations, best practice examples, etc.
Digitally supported teaching
Coburg University of Applied Sciences uses a central learning management system (LMS) for the online provision of learning content, cooperation tools, examinations, teaching evaluation, etc. Together with other university service centers and the Moodle practice supervisors of the faculties, the department supports the use of the LMS and accompanies the further development of digitally supported teaching.
PUSH project to promote digitally supported teaching
The PUSH project – peer project for the further development and implementation of student-oriented, digitally supported university teaching – establishes digitally supported teaching, learning and examination formats to enrich classroom teaching.
It is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. as part of the program “Verschränkung von digitaler und analoger Lehre als NewNormal der Lehre an Hochschulen” (NewNormal – 2nd funding phase 2023/2024) from June 2023 to May 2024.
Digital competence-oriented testing
Coburg University of Applied Sciences is part of the joint project ii.oo – Implementing digital competence-oriented testing.
The aim of the project is to develop good practices for digital competence-oriented testing.
Storytelling - Creating knowledge with emotions
Coburg University of Applied Sciences has been part of the Prüfung Hoch III Drei project with storytelling as an examination since 2022 (duration: 2021 – 2023).
The aim is to introduce storytelling as a didactic tool with video films in teaching for (digital) competence-oriented examinations.
Contact persons

Prof. Dr. Birgit Enzmann

Julie Buchholz

Hanna Ehlert