Student representation

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Helping to shape university life

The interests of students vis-à-vis the university’s governing bodies and the respective faculties are represented by elected student representatives.

The three levels

In principle, a distinction is made between three levels, which are briefly presented below.
The student councils, the student parliament and the senate representation.

Student councils

What is a student council?

Each faculty at the university has a student council. This represents the interests of the students vis-à-vis the faculty management. It deals with all problems that arise and is usually in close contact with the professors. The student councils are therefore the “student parliaments”, so to speak. There are six faculties at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, as well as the Science and Culture Center and the Faculty of Continuing Education. Accordingly, there are eight student councils.

How is the student council formed?

The student council consists of seven democratically elected representatives of the students of a faculty or the Science and Culture Center and the Faculty of Continuing Education.

What is the student council?

The student council elects a student council board from its seven members. This can consist of a maximum of four members: Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, as well as two Faculty Council members. The
chairperson and deputy chairperson are also delegated to the student parliament.

Student Parliament

The parliament is the democratically elected representation of the students, the “Bundestag of the students”, so to speak.

What does the student parliament do?

The parliament represents the interests of all students and discusses cross-faculty issues. It represents the students within the university and carries out university-wide committee work. The Parliament also manages and uses funds that are available to students. This is primarily used to support student groups and projects in order to make musical, intellectual and sporting projects at the university possible. The parliament is also active externally and networks with other student representatives at state and national level.

How is Parliament structured?

  • Each student council delegates two student council chairpersons
  • In addition, members are elected directly to parliament.
    This can be a maximum of as many members as there are student representatives in parliament.

The Student Parliament elects its Executive Board. This consists of four people: The
chairperson, the deputy chairperson and the two student representatives in the Senate. Chairperson and the two student representatives in the Senate. The parliament meets
approximately once a month.

Senate representation

The student parliament elects two student representatives to the Senate of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

Join in

Students can find out about the current composition of the student representatives at the university or what the student parliament has decided in recent meetings on the university’s
student portal mycampus (access only with university ID)! There is also information there for anyone who would like to join the SV themselves. The SV’s social media channels offer further insights: Instagram | YouTube | Facebook
