Forum V
Network for insurances

In Forum V, the competence network for insurance in Northern Bavaria, partners from science and industry have joined forces to further develop the region as an important location for the insurance industry.
Coburg University of Applied Sciences is a founding member of Forum V. Forum V aims to strengthen cooperation between science and practice.
Specifically, it is about
- Securing the next generation of managers in the insurance industry in the long term
- Promotion of research in insurance science
- Transfer of new scientific findings to companies
Founding members
- Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Coburg University
- ERGO Direct Insurance
- HUK-COBURG Insurance Group
- NÜRNBERGER Insurance Group
- uniVersa Insurance
- Vocational Training Center of the German Insurance Industry Northern Bavaria-Thuringia
Coburg University of Applied Sciences in Forum V
Prof. Dr. Mirko Kraft represents Coburg University of Applied Sciences on the board of Forum V. Further information on Forum V can be found on the homepage: