Prof. Dr. Madison Wooldridge
Teaching and research areas
- Materials science / materials engineering
- Basics of metal corrosion
- Materials for additive manufacturing
- Corrosion behavior of additively manufactured nickel-based superalloys
Short vita
- Since 2021: Professor of Materials Science for Metals, in particular additive manufacturing, at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
- 2015 – 2021: Leading materials engineer in the development and improvement of nickel-based alloys for the selective laser melting (SLM) process, Baker Hughes, Celle, DE
- 2014 – 2015: Research and development engineer in additive manufacturing, Baker Hughes, Houston, TX, USA
- 2014 – 2013: Research and Development Engineer in the Wireline Services division, Baker Hughes, Houston, TX, USA