Prof. Volkhard Pfeiffer
Teaching and research areas
- Programming languages
- Software architectures and software testing
- Model-based software development and domain-specific languages
- Didactics Software Engineering
At the university
- Dean of Studies Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Program Director – Bachelor Computer Science
- Head of the Laboratory for Computer Science 1
Outside the university
Experts at ACQUIN
- Programming 1
- Programming 2
- Software project
- Software architectures and testing
- Model-driven software development
Short vita
- since 09/2001: Appointment as professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 12/1999 – 08/2001: Appointment as professor and program director
Faculty of Business Informatics, Duale Hochschule Lörrach
Development of the software and system development curriculum
Teaching assignments, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (Basel) - 1988 – 1999: Employee of Siemens AG, Erlangen and Munich
- 1999: Head of Marketing and Coordination of the Corporate Technology Department of Siemens AG, Erlangen and Munich Innovation and Technology Planning of the Corporate Technology Department for the Siemens Industrial Groups
- 1997 – 1999: Overall project manager of international development teams from Germany, USA, India (approx. 150 employees)
- 1994 – 1997: Group leader image processing, software development of the medical technology division
- 1991 – 1994: Project manager central research and development department
- 1988 – 1991: Software engineer in the field of automation technology
- 1982 – 1988: Studied computer science with a minor in business administration at the University of Dortmund
- Founding member of the Software Engineering didactics working group at Bavarian universities
- Long-standing member of the German Informatics Society
- Programming 1
- Software Project
- Programming 2
- Algorithms and Datastructures
- Software Architecture and Testing
- Domain-Specific Language Engineering and Model-Driven Software Development
Fields of Teaching and Research
- Programming Languages
- Software Architecture and Testing
- Model-Driven Software Engineering
- Technical Didactic Software Engineering
University Activities
- Dean of Studies – Department of Electrical Engineering and CComputer Science
- Academic Program Director – Bachelor Program Computer Science
- Internship Advisor – Bachelor Program Computer Science
Professional Activities
Assessor for the Accreditation Agency for Higher Education ACQUIN
Professional Memberships
Professional Memberships
- Member of German Informatics Society
- Founding Member of Technical Didactic Software Engineering
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
- since 09/2001: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Coburg University
- 12/1999 – 08/2001: Professor and Course of Study Manager Business Informatics,
Cooperative State University Lörrach, Germany
Adjunct instructor University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland - 1988 – 1999: Siemens AG, Erlangen and Munich
- 1999: Head Marketing and Coordination Corporate Technology, Innovation- and Technology planning for Siemens Industry
- 1997 – 1999: Project Manager International Development Teams from Germany, USA, India, Siemens Healthcare
- 1994 – 1997: Team Leader Image Processing Software Development, Siemens Healthcare
- 1991 – 1994: Project Manager Siemens Corporate Research and Development
- 1988 – 1991: Software Engineer Siemens Automation Technology
- 1982 – 1988: Computer Science studies Dortmund Technical University