Healthy University Department
Healthy through studies and work
The Healthy University department’s services are aimed at students as well as lecturers and employees.
The aim is to strengthen their health resources and reduce health burdens.
The focus is on individual health as well as healthy study and working conditions.
Health-promoting university” – this title is awarded to Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
It was awarded by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) health insurance company.
The staff of the department develop special offers on the topics of exercise, nutrition and relaxation.
They provide health tips and ensure that the study and workloads for students and employees are kept within limits.
Target group
Study healthy
High academic demands, a great deal of time and increased pressure to perform and succeed characterize the life of a student today.
The results of the health survey for students in North Rhine-Westphalia showed as early as 2007 that many students have health complaints and restrictions mainly in the psychosocial area.
More than a third experienced concentration problems and nervousness, while one in four complained of headaches, sleep disorders and mood swings.
As a result of these developments, Coburg University of Applied Sciences initiated the “Healthy University” project, which was ultimately anchored in the university structure with the Healthy University department.
Working healthily
The university is an employer for academic and research support staff.
University employees are therefore the second important target group of the Healthy University department.
The focus here is currently on personnel development.
Current topics include the introduction of an employee appraisal system, the initiation of a mentoring program for new employees and training measures relating to the topic of leadership.
From project to unit

Based on the results of an online survey on the health behavior of students and employees in 2007, Coburg University of Applied Sciences decided to take up the topic of health promotion and health management for all university members: The “Healthy University” project was launched.
The starting point was a workshop with students and staff.
The aim was to integrate occupational health management into the university structures.
The individual health and subjective well-being of university staff was to be improved.
The aim was to create a positive atmosphere for human interaction and to integrate health-promoting structures and processes into everyday university life.
The employees of the “Healthy University” project were to be perceived as a neutral body to which students and employees could turn with their wishes and suggestions.
In addition, a steering group was formed, which still exists today and is made up of representatives from various university bodies.
Another important role in the “Healthy University” process was and is played by the “Integrative Health Promotion” course in the Faculty of Social Work and Health at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. The professors and employees bring a high degree of scientific and professional expertise to the project work. Together with the Techniker Krankenkasse health insurance company, they set out to become certified as a “health-promoting university”.
In May 2012, Coburg University of Applied Sciences was the first Bavarian university to be certified.
The Healthy University department also deals scientifically with the health of students.
Coburg University of Applied Sciences has produced a University Health Report in cooperation with the FU Berlin and Techniker Krankenkasse.
Students at the university were asked about their study conditions, their health and their risk behavior, among other things.
The entire report can be downloaded here: University Health Report
Interesting information on the project can also be found on the FU Berlin homepage.
Fields of action
- University sports offers
- Relaxation courses for students and employees
- Ergonomic advice at the workplace
- Psychological counseling for students
- Aquaria night for students
- Health days and environmental days at the university
- Lunch break on the move
- Seminars, e.g. on mental exam preparation, learning and work strategies and exam anxiety
- Cooking courses and lectures on nutrition
Healthy University projects
Canteen check
The cafeteria at Coburg University of Applied Sciences was the first in Bavaria to undergo a cafeteria check and was awarded a certificate by the “Richtig Essen Institut”.
Every day, 800 to 1,000 students and employees eat in the canteen at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
But what about the quality of the food in the canteen?
The institute came to the conclusion that the canteen at Coburg University of Applied Sciences deserves a school grade of 1.9.
The offer was tested according to nutritional and hygienic criteria, and the canteen’s guests were also surveyed.
The wide range of vegetarian dishes was particularly well received during the check.
Hygiene, the friendliness of the staff and the satisfaction of the guests were also assessed and found to be “good”.
On the initiative of the “Healthy University” department, there is a salad buffet and a pasta counter in the canteen.
The check was supported professionally and financially by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).
Psychological counseling
For students and doctoral candidates at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, the university and the Studierendenwerk Oberfranken offer psychosocial counseling by psychological psychotherapists.
Counseling is free of charge and strictly confidential.
Various workshops are offered to all students throughout the semester that contribute to healthy studies.
These workshops cover topics such as
- Self-worth
- Stress management
- Learning methods
- Time management
- Exam anxiety
- Procrastination
The courses are voluntary and free of charge.
University sports
Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers its students a wide range of sports activities.
For example, there are
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Tennis
The courses take place in various gyms in Coburg.