Prof. Dr. Dipl. Päd. (Univ.) Yvonne Sedelmaier
Teaching and research areas
- Future skills
- Competence-oriented teaching & learning
- Vocational education
- Andragogy
- Educational research
- University (subject) didactics
- Scientific and interdisciplinary work
- (Software) project and quality management
- Software and requirements engineering
Functions at the university
Research assistant in the research project “Experimental Improvement of Software Engineering Learning” (EVELIN)
- Cost and activity accounting
- Cost management and controlling
- Statistics
- Insurance management
- Insurance supervision
- Controlling in insurance companies
- The insurance industry in a European context
Short vita
- since 2021: Professorship for Vocational Education at the SRH Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences in Fürth
- since 2020: Scientific advisor for future skills, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 2016: Doctorate in Pedagogy at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Faculty of Human Sciences
- Since 2012: Research assistant in the EVELIN research project
- 2010 to 2012: Consultant for Quality Management & Accreditation, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 2008 to 2010: Coordinator / facility manager at Kolping-Bildungswerk Bamberg e.V.
- 2006 to 2008: Office manager & training supervisor at P&S praxis und seminare e.K.
- 2002 to 2005: Project manager for CRM software implementation at Brauhaus Altenkunstadt Andreas Leikeim GmbH & Co KG
- 1997 to 2002: Degree in education (specializing in andragogy), University of Bamberg
Further qualifications
- Quality management – Auditor TÜV
- Environmental management – Auditor TÜV
- EFQM assessor
- Systemic consultant
- German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)
- German Association for University Didactics (dghd)
- European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)
- Society for Computer Science
- IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society